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Coco - Memorial

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Friday, December 18, 2015

RIP Coco

Never thought to write a post of Coco's passing so soon.

We are deeply saddened that Coco has passed the rainbow bridge on 16 December 2015. Everything looks fine the day before and even on the morning of the day. Coco had lived a full life of approximately 2 years and a half. He is fully loved and had brought us so much joy, also as the most unique hamster that we ever adopted.

Coco is dearly missed.

We will miss your squeaks, your shenanigans, the first day drama when we brought you home, how you stunk like a skunk (the smelliest male hamster ever), how fat you become, how cute you were when we picked you up and rub your fat tummy, how greedy you were to eat a whole piece of bread in one go, how happy you were when you tasted green tea ice cream for the first time, how you grab your favourite broccoli from us everything we gave one, how you released the piece of non-delicious organic cake with a "are you kidding me" look on your face, and so on and so on...

You left us too soon :"(

Please have a good rebirth and be a good boy, wherever you are.

Be close to Buddha's path and be enlightened. 
Om Mani Padme Hum 
Tadyanta Om Bedkanze Bedkanze Maha Bedkanze Randza Samung Gate Soha

Friday, May 23, 2014

Coco the fat fat

We haven't properly introduced Coco on this blog.

He has been called the "Eric Cartman", "Fat Fat", "Smelly", "Dan Dan", and many more, due to the following reasons:

Initially he refused to be tamed;
He eats a lot;
His gland scent is horribly smelly;
He bites us sometimes;
He wants to eat when he knows we are eating.

Now we can handle him and he is super adorable. We have also changed the bedding to control his odor.

This is how happy he is when he's eating (he has various positions, this is standing up):
This is when we figured out how to pick him up when he is rounder and couldn't resist:

Lot's of fun with Coco ♥♥♥   

We will show more photos and videos of him here, meanwhile do check out our instagram (๑>ㅂ<)

Friday, February 28, 2014

Lulu our lovely lady

Lulu has left us for a better place.

Yesterday (27 Feb) we still saw her actively foraging around her cage and playing with her favorite tissue. At night, she looked visibly weaker and tired. I took a photo of her and posted to instagram:

I never expect that would be her last photo T_T

We brought Mimi and Lulu back to our home on 17th March 2012. Lulu looked more aged and bigger so we guessed she was about 2 or 3 months old by then. She outlived Mimi and finally walked her path on 28th February 2014.

Thank you for the two years with us. Mimi and Lulu are my first pair of hamsters and they are so sweet.

I felt enormous feeling overpowering me even though I had prepared for her passing. I cried for every pet that passed on, including pet that is not my own.

It was not easy to take care a critically ill hamster. We have seen three different vets for Lulu's chronic flu from September until November 2013. She was finally stabilised in December with occasional small recurrence. We were trying so much to put her back on weight after the vet's recommendation while she's recovering well from flu. Many hamster owners on Instagram have been very helpful, generously giving many tips and advice in the way that I can never imagine. Thank you all.

We love you Lulu, so so much. We will miss kissing your forehead, telling you we love you, every day.
This is the amount of time you spent with us:
We love you for 23 months, 1 week, and 4 days, your whole life time.

We buried her at the beautiful park, the same place as we buried Mimi 9 months ago, a nice place that faces the fountain of the park. We played Medicine Buddha and Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva's prayer songs accompany her burial. We are also glad that this time we managed to tell Lulu at her last moment that she's a good girl, and we will meet again in another life.

Be close to Buddha's path and be enlightened.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Tadyanta Om Bedkanze Bedkanze Maha Bedkanze Randza Samung Gate Soha

Sunday, December 8, 2013

New hamster Coco and Lulu's update

It's been too long we didn't update here.

On 26 Oct 2013, we welcome a new hamster named Coco into our family.
He is a Sapphire dwarf hamster and is still very nervous around us, won't let us touch him. He smells pretty bad from his scent gland as well.

He grows into a big fat hamster within a month and enjoys sitting on his balls (lol) in the corner of the cage.

Lulu is getting pretty frail lately. Her 'flu' has been on and off, and she's been on medication on and off as well. Yesterday she hurt herself by crossing over the Habitrail's house, getting her leg stuck, hung on the edge of the partition for we-don't-know-how-long. It's really heart-breaking when we checked her out before we went to bed. She didn't even make any sound.
Lulu becomes smaller in size, and her lower half is very skinny. She still fills her pouches with lots of food, we hope she really eats them and not just storing them for no reason.

Need to keep a very close eye on Lulu. She's now with us everywhere we do our work in the house.
Lulu with her dress.

May our little angels be well and happy.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lulu loves mashed potato

Mama and mummy were busy, and Lulu seems to enjoy sleeping longer than usual... considering her age we take that as a sign of aging :(

Today we cooked mashed potato, and mummy couldn't finish it. Considering there are hamsters that love french fries (we don't give that to Lulu), we try to give her some mashed potato:

Lulu awaken almost immediately after she smells the food.

And she really loves the potato!

I tried to move the spoon away, and she stretched out her arms to hold the spoon XD

Finishing the last bit of mashed potato :)
The mashed potato is homemade healthier version so there is no butter, but it's really tasty, using this vegan recipe.

We all love potatoes <3

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lulu and her poor dress

We bought Lulu a mini dress because larger size is not available. As a result Lulu the fat fat couldn't squeeze through the dress, even after she removes all food from her pouches.

Longer edition of the video is cut into 3 parts:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: