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Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas from Mimi and Lulu

Lulu's season's greeting

Mimi wishes everyone a Merry Christmas 2012!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fat fat does not run on the wheel

Lulu has quit running for quite some time now. And she is obviously more obese than before. We try to encourage her exercise more by buying her an extra space ship. But she simply goes into the space ship to get more wood pieces for her bedroom.

Lulu you need to run more!

Mimi and Lulu have been with us for 9 months now :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

8 months with us

Mimi was eating, Lulu was staring at camera :)

Our adorable babies <3
Previously Mama baked a pumpkin bread and the hammies seem to like to eat a lot. So for their 8th-month-versary, mummies planned to bake another pumpkin bread for them^^

This time it is a pumpkin-applesauce bread. They don't nom it up a.s.a.p. like the last time, but still finish their portion of bread nonetheless.

The idea of this photo shoot is risky. They seemed get along well in the beginning. Mimi proactively approaching Lulu,sniffing her face as close as possible.

And then, Mummy was fearing that Mimi was about to make an attack, so swiped her off the ramekin dish.But then Lulu abandoned the bread and sniffing Mimi instead. Mama felt like the rendezvous is a success. However, as soon as the DSLR was put down, Mimi bit Lulu and the two bit on each other, wouldn't let go. Mummy got bitten by Mimi a little while separating them up :(
Mama put socks on top of Lulu to stop her from getting up or attacking back Mimi. Lulu didn't struggle much and just laid on her back and closed her eyes.

Looks like Mimi is more aggressive and is in menopause now. Hopefully when her menopause is over, the two of them can live together peacefully :)

Mummy decided to give Lulu a gift, given that she's gaining a lot of weight and seldom run on the wheel nowadays. Initially bought a Habitrail mini rails. But sadly Lulu cannot fit through the tunnel! OMG! When we returned to the petshop, the shop assistant is also shocked that how could a Winter hamster couldn't get through the tunnel. That's so freaking funny XD

So we bought her a space ship instead :D

Spaceship side view

Spaceship bird-eye view

The connection from the Pokeball to the spaceship :)
Mummy and Mama love these two babies so much! May Mimi and Lulu be happy and healthy always~ Om mani padme hung

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lulu the fat fat

Criminal shot 1

Criminal shot 2

Criminal shot 3

Criminal shot 4
Lulu has officially became The Fat-Fat without our much awareness back in September.

Mama is the culprit as she doesn't have any experience in looking after hamster. The story is that Mama thought Lulu finished everything off her plate very quickly, and in fear of starving the cute little furry ball, Mama gave Lulu same amount of food 2 times per day everyday.

The result is a Lulu that is almost triple the size of Mimi. Mimi never finished off the whole plate in one go. Mummy reveals the truth that "Hamsters store their food away!!" So Mama was misled into thinking Lulu finished the food faster while the truth is Lulu stores all the seeds inside her "bedroom"! Mimi does not do so, she simply covers her food with wood flakes.

So now Lulu is only given one feed per day. And she still peels the sunflower seeds quickly and puts all of them into her mouth, and then stores in her bedroom, thinking Mama might give second feed upon seeing the plate is empty =w=

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Our pocket pets

Mimi the pocket pet

Trying to get out

Our cutie~

Lulu hanging on the pocket with two arms out XD


Ever adorable fat fat
Idea for photography comes from the vet description :D Aren't they cute?

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mimi's patient description

"Pocket pet" XD

We like this vet. He describes our mini ham ham as "pocket pet", like pocket monster like that, how cute <3

Mimi has red skin behind her ears and on her back, and she seemed to be scratching a lot so we brought her to the vet where we brought Princess the Spitz to.

And here is a funny photo of sleeping Mimi in late September:

May our hammies be happy always, and be reincarnated at a place with Buddhist teaching and get closer to Dharmma, to be liberated from all sufferings.

We wish for the same for our other pets that accompanied us in this life.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lulu the fat fat and Mimi the gold digger

We give food in the morning. And the hammies would be alert of our appearance before their house, standing up looking at us waiting for the humans to feed them. Once the plate is served, Lulu focuses attentively to the food, and nothing else.

Watch until the end for her ultra cute close-up XD

After having minimal food, Mimi keeps digging her mines for Buddha-knows-what, occassionally looking up at the human or the camera, and ninja-ing onto the cage and biting the bars. And then fell down on purpose. Simply too cute.

The videos are taken this morning :)

Today Mimi and Lulu are with us for 6 months, they are a bundle of joy :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hammies in dark pink lace


I am trying to improve my photography skill and start to explore Lightroom. But the outcome is still not as I expect it to be. Need more practices!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Long hiatus and a berserk hammie

The past two months were not easy for human. Many things happened to the hammies as well.

Before posting series of cute photos of Mimi and Lulu, Mama has to report here that Mummy was bitten by Lulu the criminal hammie on 5th August, causing Mummy's finger swelled up to double its usual finger size, and had to visit human doctor to cure T_T

The criminal:

The verdict:
4 teeth bites!

The different sizes of Mummy's fingers

OMG, Lulu the poisonous Hammie!
What happened was, as usual, we tried to put the two hammies next to each other and see if they can get along well. This time, Mimi was inside her cage, and Lulu was outside of Mimi's cage. Sometimes they would smell each other with bars in between them. This time, Lulu's reaction was strangely aggressive. She tried to attack Mimi who was inside the cage. So Mummy decided to put the berserked Lulu back into her own cage, but she bit Mummy instead T_T

Aigooooooooo why Lulu whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy sob sob :"(

After swallowing whole set of antibiotic Mummy's finger is back to normal again, but the four bite scars remain. Lulu's bite scar on Mama's middle finger (happened few months back) is still visible today!

Rage hammie, bad hammie!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mimi and Lulu playing Tai Chi with each other

After the hamsters' big fight, we tried to put either Mimi or Lulu into each other's cage, but they still ended up fighting each other off T_T

So we have this idea to try to put them 'on the ground' aka open air condition and see if they can still be friends outside of the small cage. The video below is the process of encounter, they seem like playing Tai Chi with each other :D

Though the video didn't show, Mimi ran away from Lulu in the end, still afraid of her. The evidence was the 'nervous poop' by Mimi that you can see in the latter half of the video, poor hamster!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pinky and fluffy

"Here so comfortable!"

"Here smells so nice!"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hamsters eat broccoli

Today Mama was having broccoli, carrots, and bak choy as lunch. Giving Mimi and Lulu some leftover fresh broccoli, and they love it! :D


Mimi eats broccoli

Lulu eats broccoli

Mimi wants more broccoli XD

Lulu becomes a monorial hamster, in search for more broccoli

Friday, May 25, 2012

New house for Lulu

It's been two weeks now, and many things had happened.

First, Lulu turned aggressive one night and attacked Mimi. Mimi squeaked in fear in the way we never heard before. We tested for few times, trying to put them back together, but to no avail.

While separating Lulu into another cage, she bit the cage bars furiously, to the extent the paint of the bars fell off, showing the naked metal of the bars :(

So while Mummy as back in hometown, she bought a pokeball house so Lulu won't have anything to bite at all. We read online that hamsters that bite cage bars may suffer from brain damage or addicted to the taste of metal D:

So, introducing... futuristic pokeball hamster house by Habitrail:
The bright green and orange cage is Lulu's temporary home that is now badly bitten.  It's now hammies' going-to-the-vets cage.

It looks exactly like a pokeball :D

Attached with water ball on the left. Lulu explored her new place for th e first time. She was very impatient for first few days because nothing can be bitten while she's hyper active. We are happy that she now acts tame and non-aggressive, and rid of biting bad habit. Sadly she still can't live peacefully with Mimi... :(

Giving her a new treat that Mummy bought... a treat that is good for her teeth :)

On another note, Mama was bitten by Lulu while separating the fights between Lulu and Mimi T_T

Hoping the two girls stay healthy and happy... now it's Mimi's turn to get sick, having a bald spot on her face and red skin on the back. This time the vet is not giving any medication, so we use the eye drop for Lulu last time to treat Mimi's bald spot...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Random hamsters

Mimi looking at us from her doorway :D

Lulu's eating :)


Curious about the hamster ball

Lulu sat inside the bath tub, still refused to bath T_T

Exploring in living room

Picking up some food on the floor (the pieces of their favourite star-shape vegetable mix)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mimi's sleeping style

This would be the longest photo post so far ;)

Mimi is unique, she is the palest in colour while we specifically request for "a pale female Winter Hamster", she squeaks a lot, and she enjoys sleeping flaunting her tummy^^

Different colour schemes of the photo is because we use about 3 cameras---DSLR, Sony Cybershot, and phone camera (Sony Ericsson). Different DSLR setting will create different colour tones as well :)

The corn becomes her pillow :3

Mummy particular enjoys Mimi sleeping at the door :D

On the left, Lulu's typical sleeping position XD

Isn't Mimi cute and funny?

From this angle you can see her 'piercing' aka rodent ear hole on her right ear...

*Opened her eyes a little*
*Fell back asleep*
Noted how her paw was slipped into the gap of the house for the ladder XD
Another shot of Mimi sleeping at the door *awwww*

Lulu only has 2 sleeping positions, and this is her second style. And that's all.

The "sleeping on one side" position.

Mummy playfully covered Mimi in wood pieces when she was sleeping on her back XD

And she didn't wake up XD

And continue to sleep!
Look at her opened mouth, so cute!

Mama accidentally had flash on, and that did not wake Mimi up as well, LOL!

Sleeping on the side has various styles as well. This one is Curling up in  fetus position,

... and this is "sleeping on the side with relaxed feet" XD

Mimi knows how to enjoy sleeping :)

And you can poke her all you want when she's sleeping on her back. She won't wake up. Lulu will wake up and look at who's poking her.

Sometimes this could be the source of 'argument' when Mimi is not that tired. Mimi will kick Lulu away, sometimes XD

Uber cute Mimi sleeping on her back looking like a cotton ball with feet XD