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Sunday, March 25, 2012

In our palms

Lulu on mummy's palm XD

Mimi on Mummy's palm

Mimi, trying to get off from mummy's hands

Mimi sniffs Mama's hand

Mimi on top of  pedestral

Mimi wonders how to land on the ground

Lulu doesn't enjoy the 'fun' and tried to bite (it doesn't hurt lol). Will take more Lulu's shots next time.

According to online resources hamsters easily break their bones so be careful when handling them. Don't hold them too high in the air or else when they manage to struggle off you they will fall and land hard :(

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sleeping hamsters

We are happy to see Mimi and Lulu are getting along very well. They don't fight (they compete though), and they share the "house" to sleep in. Lulu hides her food in the house while Mimi hide hers near the wheel. We are glad Lulu still welcomes Mimi into the house XD 

Both sleeping soundly :)
Lulu was awaken by Mama

Lulu seemed bothered.

Mimi was disturbed and woke up.

Finding that comfortable position XD


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mimi and Lulu's first day at mummies place

Mimi and Lulu officially become our daughters on 17th March 2012. And this is their first day at our house <3
Exploring new home

"Do you like the new places?" "Yeah, it's not crowded like the old place"

Mummies added the cage.


Mimi drinks water

Lulu drinks water.

Lulu cannot exercise because Mimi is holding the wheel XD 

After drinking water, wash face and mouth^^ 
So that concludes their first day :3  More photos to come!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Introducing our daughters: Mimi and Lulu

On the left, Mimi in Sapphire colour, and Lulu on the right, with dark grey dorsal stripes.
The owners of this blog are proud to present our daughters, the Winter hamsters, Mimi and Lulu :)

This is the first time I have hamsters as pets, while this is my wife's 6th or 7th time being a mummy to hamsters. I enjoy taking photos so I create this blog to record my daughters' everyday life. This is also my first pet blog :)

We got them from petshop on 17th March 2012, when we finally settled down in the neighbourhood.

Welcome to this blog and enjoy the cuteness of Mimi and Lulu!