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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hamsters eat broccoli

Today Mama was having broccoli, carrots, and bak choy as lunch. Giving Mimi and Lulu some leftover fresh broccoli, and they love it! :D


Mimi eats broccoli

Lulu eats broccoli

Mimi wants more broccoli XD

Lulu becomes a monorial hamster, in search for more broccoli

Friday, May 25, 2012

New house for Lulu

It's been two weeks now, and many things had happened.

First, Lulu turned aggressive one night and attacked Mimi. Mimi squeaked in fear in the way we never heard before. We tested for few times, trying to put them back together, but to no avail.

While separating Lulu into another cage, she bit the cage bars furiously, to the extent the paint of the bars fell off, showing the naked metal of the bars :(

So while Mummy as back in hometown, she bought a pokeball house so Lulu won't have anything to bite at all. We read online that hamsters that bite cage bars may suffer from brain damage or addicted to the taste of metal D:

So, introducing... futuristic pokeball hamster house by Habitrail:
The bright green and orange cage is Lulu's temporary home that is now badly bitten.  It's now hammies' going-to-the-vets cage.

It looks exactly like a pokeball :D

Attached with water ball on the left. Lulu explored her new place for th e first time. She was very impatient for first few days because nothing can be bitten while she's hyper active. We are happy that she now acts tame and non-aggressive, and rid of biting bad habit. Sadly she still can't live peacefully with Mimi... :(

Giving her a new treat that Mummy bought... a treat that is good for her teeth :)

On another note, Mama was bitten by Lulu while separating the fights between Lulu and Mimi T_T

Hoping the two girls stay healthy and happy... now it's Mimi's turn to get sick, having a bald spot on her face and red skin on the back. This time the vet is not giving any medication, so we use the eye drop for Lulu last time to treat Mimi's bald spot...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Random hamsters

Mimi looking at us from her doorway :D

Lulu's eating :)


Curious about the hamster ball

Lulu sat inside the bath tub, still refused to bath T_T

Exploring in living room

Picking up some food on the floor (the pieces of their favourite star-shape vegetable mix)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mimi's sleeping style

This would be the longest photo post so far ;)

Mimi is unique, she is the palest in colour while we specifically request for "a pale female Winter Hamster", she squeaks a lot, and she enjoys sleeping flaunting her tummy^^

Different colour schemes of the photo is because we use about 3 cameras---DSLR, Sony Cybershot, and phone camera (Sony Ericsson). Different DSLR setting will create different colour tones as well :)

The corn becomes her pillow :3

Mummy particular enjoys Mimi sleeping at the door :D

On the left, Lulu's typical sleeping position XD

Isn't Mimi cute and funny?

From this angle you can see her 'piercing' aka rodent ear hole on her right ear...

*Opened her eyes a little*
*Fell back asleep*
Noted how her paw was slipped into the gap of the house for the ladder XD
Another shot of Mimi sleeping at the door *awwww*

Lulu only has 2 sleeping positions, and this is her second style. And that's all.

The "sleeping on one side" position.

Mummy playfully covered Mimi in wood pieces when she was sleeping on her back XD

And she didn't wake up XD

And continue to sleep!
Look at her opened mouth, so cute!

Mama accidentally had flash on, and that did not wake Mimi up as well, LOL!

Sleeping on the side has various styles as well. This one is Curling up in  fetus position,

... and this is "sleeping on the side with relaxed feet" XD

Mimi knows how to enjoy sleeping :)

And you can poke her all you want when she's sleeping on her back. She won't wake up. Lulu will wake up and look at who's poking her.

Sometimes this could be the source of 'argument' when Mimi is not that tired. Mimi will kick Lulu away, sometimes XD

Uber cute Mimi sleeping on her back looking like a cotton ball with feet XD

Monday, May 7, 2012

Peek a Boo

Captured using different cameras :)

"Would you give me food?"

"What's up there?"


Mimi in her usual sleep position, fetus-like


Lulu had a peek

Staring at us XD
Would show how they stand up looking at us without holding onto anyhting, which they have perfected recently :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

New friend quack quack

Photo-heavy post alert!

Mummy picked up a Rubby duck and put it in mama's car. Didn't expect the rubby duck to be so small, Mama thinks it's a perfect prop for hamster photography XD

"Who is this new friend/thing?"


And sniff again :D

And then bite XD Mummy says "Don't bite!"

And then Mimi gives Rubby Duck a kiss!

Receive rub of love from Mummy <3

Lulu also sniffs the new buddy out

Turn over and ask: "Mama, what is this???"

Lulu didn't bite, but go ahead and kiss the bride duck XD
I want to do an outdoor shooting with the hamsters so much!! I want the green background and blue skies in the photo and the hamster-on-the-grass-go-all-natural photos!!