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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We wanna go home

It's funny how they always find their way to get back into the cage after we let them roam free outside of the cage. Dislike freedom? hehe

"How are we suppose to get back in there?"

Obvious size difference between Lulu (on the left) and Mimi. XD

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Peek a boo

Long time no updates, mummies are busy T_T

Mimi peek-a-boo from the house, while Lulu's on the food plate.

More updates are coming after the busy workload is over :3
Update on Lulu's condition: She is fully recovered and her bald spot has all the furs back! We are so happy for her :D

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mimi and Lulu's food

Our hamsters love their food :)

Once we put the food on the plate, they will sit on the plate and food and munch their way~

Lulu and Mimi endorse the Japanese hamster food <3

Lulu is munching their favourite red-coloured star-shaped vege piece.

Mimi: "I want more!"
Will write a future post on their food habits and funny actions in regards to food :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First bath experience

Note on Lulu's health condition: she seems fine and improving :) Will continue medication until fully cured.

Wanted to write this post for a long time now. This happened in late March.

Heavy photos and videos ahead!!

Firstly, Mimi's bathing experience:

First attempt:
Dislike being inside an alien space and shaking off sand while exiting T_T
 Second attempt:
To avoid further escape, we put the bath tub on top of their cage. This was when they were not that ninja-ish yet. 

Mimi still tried to leave the bathtub.

Fail to bath
Third attempt: 

 Next, we have Lulu's:

First attempt:

Second attempt:
Lookin' atcha

Sitting still~

Wash hands

Wash face~

And then do nothing:

That concludes their first bath experience which is hilarious for us. We hope to film scenes when they finally know how to bath and enjoy it.

Yes, we have problem getting our daughters to clean themselves with bathing sand T_T

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lulu's first visit to vet

We noticed Lulu's swollen right eye, suspecting either caused by fight with Mimi, or she hurt herself (how??).

When the hair on top of her right eye start to fall off and left a bald spot, we immediately decided to bring her to see vet. Luckily Mummy is experienced in bringing pet to vet :)

Lulu inside the cage at the vet's.

Poor thing, look at her upper left eye :(

Luckily Mummy has an extra cage so we can separate Lulu and Mimi.
However, Lulu acted aggressively hyper while been left alone in the cage. We have no choice but to put them together in their big cage against doctor's advise T_T

The vet is not certain of Lulu's condition:

a) Lulu's hair were pulled out from some part of body and from the "wounded" part, no mite eggs were found but the possibility is not zero. Hopefully this is not the case because prior to seeing vet Mimi seems fine and not infected in any way.

b) Might be the result of fighting

c) Might be some kind of skin infection, as upper body part of her skin is red :(

So we are now applying 4-6 times of 'eye drop' to Lulu. For now she seems to be improving. The reason for so many drops is because she would 'wipe' them off after application...

Get well soon Lulu!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Exploring carpet

We decided to let them roam around living room every now and then, and coincidently our carpet is grey in colour, so the hamsters blend well with it!

Mimi sniffs the carpet

Look at her tail XD



Lulu moves around swiftly so it's hard to capture a still image of her T_T
Will try to capture them in one frame next time. But these two girls are in constant motion!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mimi's hyperactivity as recorded on video

The hamsters are active at dawns and evenings.
Mimi is particularly active as she is not as 'overweight' as Lulu does. She would run on the wheel non-stop and trying to attempt all kinds of ninja acts, including climbing the cage up and down, left to right swiftly. And as shown in the video, if the cage is left opened, she could climb out easily.

This is also the first time we witnessed her climbed on top of the cage through the yellow house. I'm glad to make the video recording at the right time :)

Anyhoo, let's watch her hyper cuteness here: <3

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lulu the ninja

It's been a week without new blog post as Mama was away and Mummy was busy.

When Mimi and Lulu are in hyper mode, they run wild in the cage and bite the cage bars. So when this happened (usually in the morning or late evening), we will take them out of the cage and they will roam around in living room. But the funny thing is that they will eventually trying to get back inside the cage (dislike freedom?). So below are Lulu's ninja attempts to get back into the cage:

We thought she's gonna fall half-way through

But Lulu made it to the top! :D

Ooops, slipped. But not stuck :)


There! But how could I get down??

I wish to add manga effect of sweating on Lulu, but am too lazy to do that, so as the copyright watermark @_@

Looking at mummy for help. So we eventually have to put them back inside and they will start roaming around the cage and chew on the bars like nobody's business^^