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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lulu's first visit to vet

We noticed Lulu's swollen right eye, suspecting either caused by fight with Mimi, or she hurt herself (how??).

When the hair on top of her right eye start to fall off and left a bald spot, we immediately decided to bring her to see vet. Luckily Mummy is experienced in bringing pet to vet :)

Lulu inside the cage at the vet's.

Poor thing, look at her upper left eye :(

Luckily Mummy has an extra cage so we can separate Lulu and Mimi.
However, Lulu acted aggressively hyper while been left alone in the cage. We have no choice but to put them together in their big cage against doctor's advise T_T

The vet is not certain of Lulu's condition:

a) Lulu's hair were pulled out from some part of body and from the "wounded" part, no mite eggs were found but the possibility is not zero. Hopefully this is not the case because prior to seeing vet Mimi seems fine and not infected in any way.

b) Might be the result of fighting

c) Might be some kind of skin infection, as upper body part of her skin is red :(

So we are now applying 4-6 times of 'eye drop' to Lulu. For now she seems to be improving. The reason for so many drops is because she would 'wipe' them off after application...

Get well soon Lulu!

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