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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First bath experience

Note on Lulu's health condition: she seems fine and improving :) Will continue medication until fully cured.

Wanted to write this post for a long time now. This happened in late March.

Heavy photos and videos ahead!!

Firstly, Mimi's bathing experience:

First attempt:
Dislike being inside an alien space and shaking off sand while exiting T_T
 Second attempt:
To avoid further escape, we put the bath tub on top of their cage. This was when they were not that ninja-ish yet. 

Mimi still tried to leave the bathtub.

Fail to bath
Third attempt: 

 Next, we have Lulu's:

First attempt:

Second attempt:
Lookin' atcha

Sitting still~

Wash hands

Wash face~

And then do nothing:

That concludes their first bath experience which is hilarious for us. We hope to film scenes when they finally know how to bath and enjoy it.

Yes, we have problem getting our daughters to clean themselves with bathing sand T_T

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